Investor Relations

Contact Us

To reach the investor relations group, please email [email protected] or submit your question using the form below. For all other inquiries please go to All of our financial documents are available to view, download or print. We do not provide or mail hard-copy printed materials.

Investor Relations Contact
300 E Rio Salado Pkwy Bldg. 1
Tempe, AZ 85281
[email protected]

Transfer Agent
Equiniti Trust Company, LLC (“EQ”)
55 Challenger Road, Floor 2
Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660
T: (800) 937-5449 (U.S.) or (718) 921-8124 (International)
[email protected]


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Comments & Concerns
Carvana emphasizes accountability and transparency. As part of its mission to operate ethically and to support a culture of integrity, Carvana has a whistle-blower hotline that is operated by a third party administrator: EQS.
What should this hotline be used for? Carvana encourages submission of concerns or questions to the whistle-blower hotline about topics including, but not limited to:
Financial, auditing, accounting, or internal controls irregularities | Fraud | Bribery or other questionable business practices | Misconduct (including violations of the Code of Conduct) | Potential non-compliance with legal requirements | Discrimination or harassment | Information/Data security breach | Safety issues for employees or others | Stockholder or other interested party communication with Lead Director
How to make a report: Call this toll-free number: 844-725-0682 OR access the web-based reporting form (external link)
Confidentiality: Carvana’s third party administrator will treat your submission confidentially. To those who so choose, submissions may also be made anonymously.

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